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ACER: information on validation rules

ACER updates validation rules under REMIT.

ACER will implement new validation rules on gas and electricity transportation data. These rules will require that the reported Energy Identification Code (EIC) type X which is used to identify a market participant in the reported data is registered in the Centralised European Register of Market Participants (CEREMP).

ACER urges market participants to ensure the usage of only one EIC X code when entering into transactions that are reportable according to the REMIT Regulation. The same EIC X code must be registered in CEREMP. Market participants should ensure their compliance with the above-mentioned rules by 30 June 2020 at the latest.

The Agency intends to activate validation rules in the second half of 2020, the exact date will be communicated in due time. Upon the activation of the rule, all reported records containing EIC codes as identifiers of MPs that are not present in the CEREMP will be rejected. It aims at improving data quality throughout Europe.

ACER reminds market participants that all EIC codes used for REMIT reporting are considered international and as such should be published on the list managed by the central issuing office (ENTSO-E).

The Bundesnetzagentur would like to ask the parties concerned to take notice of ACER's information.

Additionally, the Bundesnetzagentur likes to draw attention to the obligation to comply with the Transparency Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 543/2013).

ACER information: