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Market Transparency Unit

The Market Transparency Unit for Wholesale Electricity and Gas Markets (MTU Electricity/Gas) monitors the marketing of and trade in electricity and gas at the wholesale level to ensure that electricity and gas wholesale prices are competitively priced. Only those wholesale prices that give an undistorted view of supply and demand can provide market participants with an appropriate basis for their decisions. Consequently, insider trading, market manipulation, price fixing and the abuse of a dominant market position are prohibited by law. If the MTU Electricity/Gas detects any indication of a violation, it will inform the enforcement authorities responsible.

More information on the tasks, legal basis and activities of the MTU Electricity/Gas can be found on the following pages.



The MTU Electricity/Gas monitors the wholesale electricity and gas markets. Through its centralised and continuous market monitoring, the MTU Electricity/Gas provides the competent supervisory authorities with initial indications of any breach of REMIT, competition law, the Securities Trading Act or the Stock Exchange Act. A closer examination of any initially suspicious cases is carried out by the appropriate competent supervisory authority (Bundesnetzagentur, Bundeskartellamt, Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) or the Saxon State Ministry of Economics Affairs, Labour and Transport (SMWA)).


Le­gal bases

The German Act on the Establishment of a Market Transparency Unit for Wholesale Electricity and Gas Markets laid the foundation for the comprehensive monitoring of the wholesale electricity and gas markets in Germany at the end of 2012. The MTU Electricity/Gas also acts as the national market monitoring body under REMIT.



All documents concerning MTU Electricity/Gas can be found here. These include publications on MTU Electricity/Gas requirements, various legislative texts and selected specialist talks and presentations.


Re­quire­ments pro­ceed­ings

Regulations on data collection in the wholesale electricity and gas markets are laid down in the German Act against Restraints of Competition (GWB). In accordance with an ordinance still to be issued by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the MTU Electricity/Gas may stipulate its own requirements for the data to be forwarded to it.



All the dates and deadlines relating to the MTU Electricity/Gas can be found here. These include deadlines regarding the MTU Electricity/Gas, in particular for requirement proceedings and data submissions, and upcoming events such as conferences, workshops and meetings.
