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Market surveillance

The Market Transparency Unit for Wholesale Electricity and Gas Markets (MTU Electricity/Gas) is tasked with ensuring fair pricing in the wholesale energy markets.

To fulfil this task, the MTU Electricity/Gas monitors the wholesale electricity and gas markets for indications of market manipulation and insider trading as prohibited by REMIT (Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency) and the Securities Trading Act (WpHG), competition law violations in relation to the Act against Restraints of Competition (GWB) and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and breaches of the Stock Exchange Act (BörsG).

More information can be found on the following pages.



REMIT prohibits insider trading and market manipulation in the wholesale electricity and gas markets.

Here you can find out about the MTU Electricity/Gas's market monitoring activities under REMIT, with a link to the relevant web pages of the Bundesnetzagentur, the enforcement authority responsible.


Com­pe­ti­tion law

The MTU Electricity/Gas monitors and analyses data on the electricity and gas markets for indications of competition law violations, in particular abuse of a dominant position.

Here you can find out about the MTU Electricity/Gas's market monitoring activities relating to competition law, with a link to the relevant web pages of the Bundeskartellamt, the enforcement authority responsible.


Se­cu­ri­ties Trad­ing Act

The Securities Trading Act (WpHG) prohibits in particular insider trading and market manipulation in the financial market.

Here you can find out about the MTU Electricity/Gas's market monitoring activities relating to the Act, with a link to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), the enforcement authority responsible.


Stock Ex­change Act

The Stock Exchange Act (BörsG) regulates the organisation of market places authorised as stock exchanges and trade on the stock exchanges.

Here you can find out about the MTU Electricity/Gas' market monitoring activities relating to the Act, with a link to the Saxon State Ministry of Economics Affairs, Labour and Transport (SMWA), the enforcement authority responsible.
